Don’t know what to blog about? Don’t know how to make a blog?
Don’t worry!
When you first start blogging, it can be daunting to even decide what to blog about. You might think you have nothing to say. Perhaps you don’t even know how to make a blog, let alone, barely keep up with your email. And you may feel your Smartphone is smarter than you are. You might fret that people might think your articles are dumb, or no one would want to read them. Maybe you think you’ve had a boring life and nothing to show for it.
Bunch of hooey.
The truth is, everybody has a story to tell. YOU have something inside of you, a challenge you’ve overcome, a past hurt you over which you triumphed, a terrifying place (psychological or physical) you escaped. YOU have an important message to share with the world, and it’s itching to get out.
Maybe you have a funny story about taking Bollywood dancing when you were pregnant and you slipped and fell on a mango while filming an informercial for late-night local television. Or you knit sweaters for disco-dancing beagles….
Seriously, someone RIGHT NOW is going through hell, you’ve been there, and you have a story that will help them get out of their personal hell. Someone else right now is distraught because her husband ran off with his twenty-five-year-old girlfriend and left her with a pile of maxed-out credit card bills, three kids to feed, and a broken heart. You’ve been through that pain, survived, and now are victorious over it. Your story will reach out to her and give her hope to forge on another day.
Or your teenage son has autism and you have snazzy tips for parents of toddlers who have been newly diagnosed with autism.
It really doesn’t matter who you are, how old you are, what car you drive, or where you live–as long as you have a computer and a working internet connection, you can blog (and here’s how to make money blogging).
What to Blog About: Blog Ideas
YOUR HOMEWORK: Bloggorama Jumpstart
The idea of this assignment is to get your writing muscles pumping so blogging will soon become fun and simple for you.
Below are five short prompts to kick your new bodacious blogging career off with a bang! (Ok, I got a little carried away with that alliteration). Write one post a day, for five days, and make sure to share a link to that post on your Facebook page. (DO NOT share your blog post more than once a day–you’ll look like a needy kindergartener showing off the picture your colored. Once will do).
Day 1: Write a 5-7 item list of fascinating facts about you. You can have more if you like; I ended up with eleven. Here’s mine, as an example. Now, turn your list into complete sentences. Don’t copy mine–just use it as a model. This is a way for your readers to get to know you.
a. Hit share on facebook, and ask your friends to comment, like, and share.
Day 2: Write about a time you almost died when you were younger. (Or someone you were close to). What did you learn from that experience? How has that affected your sense of purpose. I almost died when I was sixteen, and you can read about it here.
a. Hit share on facebook, and ask your friends to comment, like, and share.
Day 3: Talk about how your babies, your pets, or someone who inspires you. How have they helped you become a better person? I wrote about how my daughter taught me perseverance and persistence.
a. Hit share on facebook, and ask your friends to comment, like, and share.
Day 4: Write about your first job, or a business you started when you were little. Find out how I started my first business in primary school here.
a. Hit share on facebook, and ask your friends to comment, like, and share.
Day 5: Write about a disability or character defect you have or dealt with successfully and how it’s turned into an asset. I wrote about being a teacher with ADHD. You can read that post here.
a. Hit share on facebook, and ask your friends to comment, like, and share.
What to Blog About: Tips and Tricks
1. Start by WRITING every day. It doesn’t have to be Pulitzer-prize winning. Focus on writing SOMETHING, just to get your achy writing muscles warmed up, and to get in the habit of writing. It’s kind of like exercising when you haven’t worked out since 1998. First you might huff and puff and feel like you’re going to die. Then it just starts to flow.
2. You might say, “I know that! What do I blog about?” Start carrying around a little notebook and write down blog post ideas whenever they come to mind. You could also record ideas on your Smartphone. I keep a little journal in my purse because it’s faster, and I can always flip to it at any time, or start writing in it while I’m waiting to pick up my daughter, at the orthodontist, etc.
Ideas will zap into your head while you’re driving, showering, doing dishes, folding laundry, doing yardwork, etc. Blogging is like a leaky faucet–once you turn it on–it’s hard to turn off, and the ideas for blog posts drip in like fat water droplets.
I can’t wait to seeing your success blossom, along with your blog ideas.
Nancy :>
P.S. You might protest, “I’m a horrible writer. I failed high school English and dropped out when I was sixteen. I can’t spell.” The truth is, good writing has very little to do with punctuation and spelling. Get a friend, your nerdy nephew, or your spouse to help you. American humorist Will Rogers dropped out of school in tenth grade to become a cowboy. He wrote six books, 4,000 syndicated columns, and became a renowned political commentator.
Now you know WHAT TO BLOG ABOUT and you’re armed with BLOG IDEAS! I look forward to reading your stories. Click below NOW to get started today.